The average house price on KEARSLEY TERRACE is £133,689
The most expensive house in the street is 4 KEARSLEY TERRACE with an estimated value of £162,250
The cheapest house in the street is 8 KEARSLEY TERRACE with an estimated value of £107,215
The house which was most recently sold was 12 KEARSLEY TERRACE, this sold on 30 Jun 2022 for £134,000
The postcode for KEARSLEY TERRACE is LS10 3EX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 KEARSLEY TERRACE Terraced £162,250 £70,000 15 Aug 2003
6 KEARSLEY TERRACE Terraced £113,881 £59,950 7 Dec 2004
8 KEARSLEY TERRACE Terraced , 105 m2 £107,215 £38,000 12 Jul 2002
10 KEARSLEY TERRACE Terraced , 96 m2 £148,175 £136,000 19 Nov 2021
12 KEARSLEY TERRACE Terraced £136,927 £134,000 30 Jun 2022